Team Trump Demands Biden Stop Peddling Charlottesville Lie After Snopes Debunked It

The fact-checking site Snopes for reasons known only to themselves decided now would be a good time to debunk the myth that then-President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists “fine people” in Charlottesville, VA, in 2017.

Of course, anyone who pays attention to news sources other than the New York Times and MSNBC has known all along that Trump’s quote was bastardized to make it sound like he said something he didn’t actually say, but the mainstream media and the Biden team has run with the falsehood for years now.

It was always false.

Although conservatives have pointed out for years that it was a (malevolently) manufactured controversy, now that Snopes has debunked it, Team Trump is calling on the Biden campaign to quit their lying:

Joe Biden’s campaign must end any advertising that pushes this lie because President Trump has, once again, been proven right!

Just like the Hunter Biden laptop “Russian disinformation” lie, the Russia collusion hoax, and so many other examples of the media obscuring or flat-out misstating the truth, the Charlottesville narrative has always been provably false, yet the press mostly sits quietly as Biden repeats it over and over. What a beautiful moment it would be indeed if Trump called him out for it during their scheduled June 27 debate. I would love to see him squirm, although since he seemingly has no shame, he’d probably just shrug it off and continue on to the next lie (maybe about his uncle being eaten by cannibals).