America’s Institutional Racism Is Anti-White

Beloved Minnesota martyr George Floyd, patron saint of counterfeit dollars and authentic fentanyl, peace be upon him, unleashed two things on the country: a tsunami of vicious anti-white racism and, at long last, the first tentative waves of white people courageously calling it out. Before 2020, polite white people would never dream of noticing in public that there seemed to be some, er, blatant bias against them in the media, academia, and other institutions.

Until this year, no white parent would ever dream of complaining when their straight-A son with a 1500 SAT got rejected from their Ivy alma mater, but an 1150 SAT black classmate got in (and got a full ride). Now, even liberal parents are starting to notice that not only is color-blind meritocracy out, but overt racism is back in.

Some people are bravely speaking out about this destructive trend. When I heard Jeremy Carl was writing a book about it, I was impressed. He was daring to tread where few have! And instead of being canceled for a book way ahead of its time, it turns out his timing was perfect. The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart arrived this year just as more people were finding their voice on this important, even bedrock constitutional issue, and finding their courage.

Best of all, he brought receipts. Lots of them. Read his book and watch American meritocracy at the highest levels — and the lowest levels — get overthrown, slowly and then all at once in the name of progress, for a wretched new ideology straight out of the movie “Idiocracy.”

We call it “anti-white racism” these days, but we used to call it “reverse racism” when an oppressed minority group discriminated against their hated and imagined superiors: white people. The funny thing about being part of the most hated “oppressor majority” group in the world is when you dare to check the numbers. For example, did you know that European-descent Caucasians, i.e., the group most people think of when they talk about “white people,” represent somewhere in the range of 7-12 percent of the Earth’s population? It’s the smallest of the major racial groups. (It’s difficult to find a more precise number, I think because this number demolishes every single anti-white narrative.)

Good news for anti-white racists: The numbers are shrinking fast as whites cease reproducing themselves. White people are not just an unprotected class — they’re literally going extinct.