Biden Backers Fund Vandalism of Stonehenge and the Constitution

And Hillary Clinton helped vandalize paintings around the world.

When Stonehenge was vandalized by militant leftist environmentalists convinced that the world was going to end, the trail led back to an L.A. organization and then to Biden and Hillary Clinton.

Just Stop Oil had been behind not only the vandalism at Stonehenge, but attacks on multiple classical works of art and culture, including Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” and Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers,” as well as the Magna Carta.

As Freedom Center Investigates previously revealed, Just Stop Oil was funded by the Climate Emergency Fund in California whose backers include such liberal royalty as Rory Kennedy, Aileen Getty, Abigail Disney and Hollywood director Adam McKay.

But there is another major donor to the Climate Emergency Fund.

After Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election, she created Onward Together to serve as the arm for her future political goals. The group uses her familiar ‘arrow’ as part of its logo. Late last year, Hillary Clinton asked supporters to celebrate her birthday by supporting the “work Onward Together groups are doing to protect and strengthen our democracy”.

One of those groups was strengthening “democracy” by attacking the Constitution.

Onward Together had previously provided $500,000 to the Climate Emergency Fund. This year. activists with Declare Emergency, an allied group, tried to vandalize a copy of the Constitution at the National Archives. The organization’s site states that the, “Climate Emergency Fund is the lead funder for Declare Emergency’s recruitment, training, and educational efforts.”

Hillary Clinton has been accused of attacking the Constitution before, but never this literally.

And she’s not alone. The global assault on art and cultural heritage was financed by the wealthy Hollywood liberal elite behind CEF which also funds and supports Biden and the Democrats.