Is the mafia boss your saviour?

Nice home you have there. It’d be a terrible shame if it burned down, wouldn’t it? Well, you pay me insurance and protection money and it don’t gotta.

When you pay the nice chappy what he asks for insurance and protection and that night the gas-filled bottle with a lit rag in it that he planned never shows up… did he just save your family?

What’s wrong with the analogy that I think we all know I’m hinting at? (this time especially for the Christians)

Nice soul you’ve got there… be a terrible shame if it were torched for eternity, eh?

Does it basically boil down to the gangster not having the right to torch people to death, but your just and merciful Lord YHWH’s implicit right to torch people beyond death forever? Is that what explains you calling Jesus “saviour”? Or is it something else? If you call YHWH/Jesus “saviour”, why not the mafia boss? Is it the right terminology to call somebody a saviour who “saves” somebody from what they were planning to have done to them in the first place?