Kamala Harris Scores Double Poll Boost Over Donald Trump

July 12, 2024


Two recent polls show Vice President Kamala Harris beating Donald Trump in a hypothetical 2024 matchup.

On Friday, an NPR/PBS News/Marist poll of 1,174 registered voters suggests Harris, considered the best-placed person to replace President Joe Biden as the Democrat’s 2024 nominee should he drop out of the race, would narrowly beat Trump in November’s election (50 percent to 49).

The poll was released one day after an ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll of 2,431 adults found that Harris would beat Trump by three points overall (49 percent to 46) and among registered voters (49 percent to 47).

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Bugs Marlowe

Article URL : https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kamala-harris-scores-double-poll-boost-over-donald-trump/ar-BB1pS5J0?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=14cf4a73ceb644e4823b8d67d359ef70&ei=16