Does God protect Rapists, Felons, and Liars?

Does God protect Rapists, Felons, and Liars?

Franklin Graham: ‘It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.’  As posted on BNR, 15/07/2024.  Yet, the Bible and various Christian texts, state that sinners are damned to hell, and will suffer for eternity.  So what is it?  Is God favouring Trump, as part of the MAGA 25 Project, so Christianity’s bigotry will rule over all other religions in the US schools, and colleges.  That all schools, and all children, will see the 10 commandments in their classrooms, even if they do not profess to the religion of Christianity.
The ancient church did not maintain the commandments, nor did the clergy adhere to the 10 commandments.  The commands are the ten rules of behaviour which, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, people should obey.  But the priestly class has never taken the rules seriously, they have been broken time and time again.  If there was a faction within the communities who broke the rules, that faction would be the clergy, and not just the Roman Catholics.  Protestant faiths, such as the Southern Baptists, Methodist, Presbyterians, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, et al., are just as guilty as Catholicism, when it comes to Clerical Sexual Abuse.  The only problem is that Catholicism has been doing it for three times longer.

What about the rights of Felons on voting or getting a passport in the US?  In summary, while the right to vote for felons varies by state, most states allow felons who have completed their sentences to vote.  As for passport eligibility, individuals with a felony conviction may be eligible for a passport if they have completed their sentence, but it depends on the specific circumstances of their conviction and sentence.  But, there seems to be a different rule for Trump, his supporters and party seem to be taking a blind eye to his criminality?

What about morality, if the American citizens elect this criminal for a second term!  What does it say of them, the citizens, for electing such a man, a known liar, fraudster, Theft of Gov. documents, and misogynist?  The same citizens who allowed the NRA-ILA 50 years ago, to perpetrate a human tragedy, allowed the slaughter of children, families, and mass individuals, preferring to misrepresent their constitution just to have more guns on the street, it’s immoral.   Making the gun-manufactures, and retailers, rich off the human suffering, they all have blood on their hands.

The founding-father realized a danger to liberty: 
A Declaration of Rights. Section 13.

That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free State; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided, as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.—Virginia Declaration of Rights June 12, 1776. See section 13.

What do you say?

Jeanne, J.E. pp. for Jero.


Jero Jones

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