Ex-Bill Clinton Strategist Warns ‘Walls Are Closing in’ on Biden

Former Bill Clinton strategist Paul Begala has warned Democrat President Joe Biden that his re-election campaign is doomed.

During a Thursday appearance on CNN, Begala bluntly declared:

“I’ve been talking to a lot of people, a lot of members in the Senate and House, major donors, activists, party chairs and I got to tell you, I think I’ve come across one who is still ridin’ for Biden.

“So the walls are closing in.”

For weeks, Biden has resisted calls from a growing faction in his party to step down from the race.

New reports this week show top Democrat leaders are now privately meeting with the president to urge him to step aside.

Democrats are fearing Biden cannot win against his GOP rival, President Donald Trump.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a longtime Biden ally, has made this argument in private calls to the president, according to CNN.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has also “forcefully” argued to Biden that it would be best if he “bowed out of the race,” according to a report from ABC News.