Top 30 Reasons Kamala Harris Would Be A Terrible President

Vice President Kamala Harris’ political history proves that putting her in power is a bad move that hurts Americans.

he powers that be decided this week that despite her disastrous approval numbers and long history of unpopularity among Democrat voters, Vice President Kamala Harris will take President Joe Biden’s place as the blue party’s presumptive 2024 candidate.

Here are 30 reasons why Harris, whether through Biden’s resignation or the upcoming election, would make a terrible president.

1. She Covered Up Biden’s Cognitive Decline

Harris had a front-row seat to President Joe Biden’s mental and physical deterioration but never said a word. In fact, she routinely issued statements indicating Biden was fit enough to stay president.

2. She’s Sympathetic to Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

Harris believes the pro-terrorist activists taking over college campuses, occupying highways, and defacing military cemeteries are merely “showing exactly what the human emotion should be.”

3. She Refuses to Oppose Abortion Until Birth

Harris famously refused to say which abortion limits she supports in a September 2023 sitdown with CBS’s Margaret Brennan.

4. She Shirked Her Duties as Border Czar

Biden named Harris as border czar in 2021, but it took her months to visit ground zero of the record-breaking invasion her administration incentivized. The Border Patrol chiefs responsible for securing the border also confirmed that Harris never spoke with them.


5. She Also Put Other Countries’ Borders Before Her Own

Harris traveled thousands of miles away from the U.S. border invasion she was tasked with handling to deliver “peace and security” to the borders of Ukraine, which “is a country.”

6. She Knowingly Spread the Border Patrol Whipping Lie

Harris claimed she saw “horrible” footage of Border Patrol agents whipping illegal border crossers, but a U.S. Customs and Border Protection investigation found no evidence that the horseback unit used their reins to strike migrants.

7. She’s Wildly Unpopular

One of Harris’ most notable accomplishments is receiving the worst vice presidential rating in the history of modern polling. Her abysmal job approval ratings have only continued, often ranking worse than Biden’s, and do not suggest that she’s up to the task of taking over the presidency.

8. And Disliked by Her Staff

A whopping 92 percent of Harris’ staff left in her first three years as vice president.