The Hamas kids are taking down American flags in our capital and burning them to chants of “Allahu Akbar”

Well guys, it looks like the tolerant Left has shown up in DC to greet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

They’re now taking down American flags and burning them, which shows you exactly what kind of people they are.

[Warning: Language, Violence]

“Allahu Akbar!”

[T]housands of Pro-Palestine protesters have gathered at Union Station in Washington, DC. Moments ago, they took down three American flags and replaced them with Palestinian flags, with crowds of thousands cheering. The three American flags are being burned along with a mannequin of Netanyahu in effigy.

They also vandalized a replica of the Liberty Bell.

Stun grenades have been deployed. Numerous police officers have been trying to stop the violent chaotic scenes but have been pushed back by protesters and activists the atmosphere is extremely tense, with protesters chanting slogans and waving banners.

Keep up the great work, tolerant lefties!


Approved ~ MJM