A $1 million starter home is now the norm in more than 200 US cities

CNN — 

The number of US cities where first-time homebuyers are faced with at least a $1 million price tag on the average entry-level home has nearly tripled in the past five years, according to new research.

A Thursday report from Zillow indicates that a typical starter home is now worth $1 million or more in 237 cities, up from 84 cities in 2019, underscoring America’s ongoing home affordability crisis.

“Affordability has been strained across the board,” Orphe Divounguy, a senior economist at Zillow, said. “We see the largest number of million-dollar starter homes in expensive coastal markets. We see them in markets with very low homeownership rates and we see them in markets with more building regulations.”

Zillow defines a “starter home” as being among those in the lowest third of home values in a given region. California, New York and New Jersey contain the highest number of cities with entry-level homes that carry an average million-dollar price tag, but half of all US states have at least one such city, the report said.

The number of cities with million-dollar starter homes has exploded since 2019

Almost half of the US cities with $1 million starter homes are in California. New York, New Jersey, Florida and Massachusetts also have more than other states.

Table listing the number of cities that have $1 million starter homes, by state.

StateJune 2024June 2019
New York3113
New Jersey212
Source: ZillowTable: Samantha Delouya

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