Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma Kamaleon

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Kamala who?

Whoever you need me to be.  Cackle cackle.

mistress to a powerful San Francisco politician twice her age…or a vocal advocate for the “Me Too” movement.

A tough-on-crime prosecutor…or a “Defund the Police” cheerleader.

A likable-enough pragmatist…or “the most liberal nominee in U.S. history.”

A defender of Israel…or a supporter of Hamas terrorists.

A second-generation immigrant proud of her Indian and Jamaican heritage…or a staunch member of the African-American community who affects a southern accent.

Joe Biden’s trusted “border tsar”…or someone who barely knows where America’s borders are.

Whoever Kamala Harris needs to be in order to advance her career prospects, she will do her best to pretend that is who she has always been.  Her problem — one she shares with many talentless politicians — is that she lacks both the brainpower and the charisma to convince others that she is more than an uninspiring hack.  Usually, such low-caliber politicos peter out in local precincts where could-a-been dreams go to die.  Kamala, however, has always had a knack for finding the right VIP to reward her ambition.

If Kamala is ultimately successful where Hillary was not — and becomes America’s first female president — it will be because Democrats have perfected their mail-in-ballot operations across the country.  In truth, Americans haven’t had honest elections for decades.  Without identification requirements in many jurisdictions that first establish whether a person is legally permitted to vote and without transparent procedures for verifying the authenticity of vote tallies, fraud has long been baked into the system.  With the transformation of Election Day into Election Season, the opportunities for political operatives to “cook the books” have greatly expanded.  With the collapse of in-person voting and the growing incentives for absentee voting, basic safeguards ensuring that real citizens are voting free of duress or reward have largely disappeared.  Mail-in-ballot fraud has simply amplified the corruption of an already corrupt system.

So far, Democrats have gotten away with it.  They print millions of extra ballots and mail those ballots to unknown places without any procedures for verifying whether legally voting citizens have properly received them.  Political operatives collect those ballots and fraudulently fill them out.  Signature requirements (the bare minimum form of security necessary in jurisdictions that openly discourage in-person voting) are ignored.  Then more political operatives return those fraudulent ballots to unsecured drop-off boxes where no-one is around to enforce chain of custody rules.  It’s an ugly vote laundering operation that has only grown in scope and sophistication over the years.  And because courts have done little to curb the practice since Joe Biden’s mail-in-ballot “victory,” 2024 promises to be similarly tainted.

Still, Democrats can only steal November’s election if the American people find the results somewhat plausible.  One of the telltale signs of 2020’s election theft was the inconvenient fact that President Trump won almost every bellwether county (those jurisdictions that traditionally predict how an election will turn out) by double digits.  While Democrat operatives had sufficiently flooded Democrat-controlled cities in critical battleground states with enough fraudulent ballots to eke out a Dementia Joe “win,” they failed to fully cover their tracks.

In 2024, the same cheaters will need to expand their cover-up operations in order to maintain an illusion of plausibility.  Their job will not be easy.  Because President Trump received more votes than any incumbent in American history (and more votes than any candidate other than those “awarded” to Joe Biden), Democrats will have to fabricate a lot of ballots in order to overcome Trump’s natural support.  The idea that Biden, a lifetime politician with lukewarm popularity, somehow won fifteen million more votes than either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton did in the two previous elections never passed the smell test.  If Democrats are forced to manufacture so many ballots for Kamala that she receives twenty million or more votes than the Democrat demigod, Barack Obama, then a lot of Americans will cry foul.

Patriotic Patriot

Article URL : https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/07/karma_karma_karma_karma_kamaleon.html