The Original promiscuous Story of Eve, and who was the father of Cain!

The Original promiscuous Story of Eve, and who was the father of Cain!

My thanks go out to my writing companion Δεσμώτης, who inspire me (not God) to add to his comment of whom the father of Cain was from the Adam and Eve biblical story.  Which Christianity adopted from Judaism, and then glossed over to make the narration their version.  The Christian version will have you believe that the first human, Adam (?), was the father of Cain.  No such thing occurred in the original story, in fact, Eve believes that God himself copulated with her, and sowed his seed, and impregnated her.  The story also goes that Adam soon after had his conjugal with Eve, and he also impregnated her with the seed of Able.  So, we have God being claimed the father of Cain, and Adam the father of Able, The half-twin brother of Caine.  Well, if you think that this is the end of the matter, you would be wrong, as there is another third (and possible a fourth) seducer in the mix by the name of Sammael or Samael (not a lot of people know this, even Andy Hood, no doubt, he would have posted the topic if he had known).  Sammael, according to the Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer scriptures, is a fallen angel (a wicked fornicator if you ask me), who lusted for Eve, by rides a snake to copulate with her.  What is more, Sammael also turns into a snake, and he is also called Satan.  When Eve saw Cain, she knew his father was of the heavenly type, and not an earthly mortal.  Then in Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, (PRE) 21, 3, someone throws a spanner into the work, as Rabbi Miasha said: Cain was born, and his wife, his twin-sister, with him.

The text then describes how Eve was impregnated by Samael in the guise of a serpent, and then by Adam (PRE 21): [9]בא אליה ורוכבת נחש ועברה את קין ואחר כך [בא אליה אדם ו]עברה את הבל שנאמר “והאדם ידע את חוה אשתו” (בר’ ד:א). מהו ידע? שהיתה מעוברת וראתה [את] דמותו שלא היה מן התחתונים אלא מן העליונים והביטה ואמרה קניתי איש אתיי(בר’ ד:א).

He [Samael] came to her, and she rode the Serpent, [10] and conceived Cain. Afterwards, Adam came to her, and she conceived Abel, as it is said, “And Adam knew Eve, his wife” (Gen 4:1). What is meant by “knew”? (He knew) that she had conceived. And she saw his likeness that it was not of the lower beings, but of the heavenly beings, and she saw and said: “I have acquired a man by the Lord” (Gen 4:1).[11] Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (PRE) 21, 2. From these verses, we can deduce that Cain was born a man, not a baby!
Today, we (lay persons) are classed by the religious as being immoral, but isn’t the fact that the biblical figures, were just as immoral or even worse.  What do you say to this, and any of the topics within the discussion, and who impregnated Eve with the seed of Cain and Able’s twin (quadruplets in any language) sisters?
Gwen Pugh (Mrs), pp. Jero Jones.

Jero Jones

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