G-d wrote the Pentateuch many thousands of years before the Creation of the World!

G-d wrote the Pentateuch many thousands of years before the Creation of the World!

What was God doing 974 generations before he started his creation as per the Book of Genesis.  If we take one generation to mean 25-years, then 974 generations (Shabbat.88b.7) calculates the sum of 24,350 years.  Which is a considerable difference in time between events, when we are made to believe that God created the world in six days, and rested on the seventh!  If we take the creationist belief that the world was created according to Bishop James Ussher (1581 – 1656), who calculated the event occurred on the 23rd October, in the year 4004 BCE.  We find from Jewish scripture that God was busy creating the Pentateuch from the year 28,354 BCE.  So what was the long delay in creating the world, mankind, and the rest of the animal kingdom, and what was so special to create the scriptures before humanity?

It is well known that God has grammar problems, when you check the Greek New Testament manuscripts. As well as the amount of new biblical translations that are going on, with new English translations alone, and amendments coming on stream every two to three years. With more than fifty new versions of the New Testament, being diverse from each other, with each one claiming to be the true word of God.  Which are far removed from the non-original copies of copies.  With no known autograph known to exist!

God took 24,350-years to right the Torah, but for the last 2,000-years man has been correcting, God’s mistakes within the New Testament.  At this rate, we can expect Bible Publishers to go on amending the biblical text for at least a further 2,000-years.  What can you say on any part, or all, of the above discussion topic?

Jeanne, J.E. pp. Jero Jones.

Jero Jones

Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/