Just 51 Days to STOP THE STEAL

If you still believe in freedom, liberty, justice, peace, tranquility and prosperity for yourself, your children and grandchildren, then you only have 51 days to STOP THE STEAL already deployed at the county level for the 2024 elections on November 5, 2024.

If you are determined to defend and enforce the US Constitution and Bill of Rights for all future generations, you are running out of time to do it.

Anatomy of the STEAL

We are up against a “global reset” by Marxist Nazi tyrants partnered with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF). Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are mere puppets of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But Obama and Clinton are mere puppets of the WEF Nazi global cabal.

This election isn’t just between democrats and republicans, vying for support from independents. This election is “winner take all” and all the marbles are in play. Everything you ever thought America was for the past 248-years, is about to end abruptly in less than 60-days, if “we” don’t STOP THE STEAL.

For the official record, election fraud is nothing new. There is no debate over whether or not election fraud happens, only to what degree. Everyone knows that illegal ballots are cast, counted and certified in every election and a laundry list of candidates have challenged election results for decades. The only issue is whether or not elections are being decided by that fraud.

Everyone also knows that in this Presidential election cycle, one candidate is the “democratically” elected and nominated former President, and the other is an unelected current Vice President with a blank resume’ who was installed by party elites without a single primary vote, despite 14-million primary voters having voted for someone else. We have never seen a more “undemocratic” presidential candidate in U.S. history.

Prior to 2020 and the planned CV19 event used to convert elections to mail-in and dropbox voting, fraudulent election activities played a much smaller role in our elections. But from 2020 on, political powers have perfected the art of stealing elections as explained below, and they have installed the processes down at the county level across the entire country now.

Current Challenges

No electronic voting machine is secure from cyber-intrusions, hacking, and vote manipulation
Despite false statements concerning internet connectivity by officials, they are connected
Many states have moved towards unsecure “mail-in” and “dropbox” balloting
Many states have eliminated any means of knowing the legal eligibility of voters
Many states have thousands of “illegal voters” still on their voter rolls
Honest election officials are being removed from oversight if they raise any questions
The courts have refused to allow any evidence into the courts, because they know
Some states have even adopted Constitutional Amendments and new election laws to make it impossible to detect election fraud, while blocking public transparency and disallowing any transparent recounts or audits
These are just the high points. There are many more ways cheating is planned for the 2024 elections, including engagement by all news networks and social media platforms being used to mislead the American public regarding polling data which makes the election look close enough to hide the steal.

And in case you are unaware, the Obama-Biden-Harris government has weaponized the Department of Justice which has established “special sub-agencies and task forces” designed to target anyone who attempts to expose any part of the steal currently in place.

The Democrat Party has shepherded the mass foreign invasion of our country over the past four years (and much longer under Obama’s eight years) to the tune of at least 20-million illegal aliens who the federal government has granted “protected status” in the lead-up to the most critical election cycle in U.S. history.

Patriotic Patriot

Article URL : https://newswithviews.com/just-51-days-to-stop-the-steal/