Ohio woman that fatally stabbed toddler in grocery cart ruled “incompetent to stand trial”

Remember the tragic story of three-year-old Julian Woods, who was brutally and arbitrarily murdered by an Ohio woman, Bianca Ellis, with a knife?

Ohio woman charged for randomly stabbing 3-year-old to death in front of his mom during mid-afternoon shopping trip


The same Ellis, who smirked at her arraignment and mocked Woods’ parents?

Heartbroken father of murdered 3-year-old looks on as suspect smirks in court; bond set at $5 million


That same Ellis was just ruled incompetent to stand trial by the Ohio judge overseeing the case.

The judge ruled that Ellis will receive treatment at Northcoast Behavioral Health after a doctor testified

that the defendant is incompetent to stand trial, but that there is a substantial probability of restoration to competency within the statutory time frame if provided with a course of treatment.

The statutory time for her to stand trial for her crime in Ohio is one year, which isn’t that long.

I’m willing to admit that it would take a crazy person to do what Ellis did, but letting this person out after one year, scot-free, is even crazier.


Approved ~ MJM