Three reasons why a woman would vote Republican

1. Economics

It really makes no difference whether you look at women in the workplace or in the home. Economics matter to all. Despite the persistent talking point about Republicans favoring “tax cuts for the rich,” most women are aware of the current strain on the family budget. It may be the belief of Mr. Collins and others that women are somehow a more irrational, emotional voting bloc, but that’s both insulting and untrue.

Women are aware their dollars have less purchasing power now than they did. They know that energy prices, and gas prices, and grocery prices have all skyrocketed during the Biden/Harris years.

Feeding themselves and their families is a top priority for many women, and the current trend tells them that voting Democrat will continue to jeopardize it.

2. Safety

Single women like to feel safe. Married women like to know they and their families are safe. Policies and politicians that produce lower crime and safer neighborhoods are going to appeal to women voters, while those that promote chic but flabbergasting idiotic social crusades like “abolishing the police,” or that pretend floods of illegal immigrants are all harmless “refugees” even as murders, fentanyl, and human trafficking plague communities overrun by the migrant influx are going to repulse them.

Additionally, thousands of women have been protected in the last year by their right to bear arms.

This is a right that only the Republican Party seems intent on defending.

3. Democracy

Most women in America approve of our republican forms of government and the democratic principles they are based on.

Like many of their male counterparts, they recognize that a movement exhaustively committed to imprisoning its chief political rival, that brazenly orchestrates an intra-party coup to replace a sitting president who received 14 million primary votes with a candidate who received no votes from its members but was selected by a shadowy cabal, is no friend of those principles.

Ultimately, this isn’t nearly as nuanced, as complex, or as complicated as activists and professional partisans make it.


Approved ~ MJM