Dozens of Left-Wing Immigration Groups ‘Trust Harris’ to Abandon ‘Harmful’ Border Pledge If She Wins

Is there any doubt? Meaning, is there any doubt that if Kamala Harris wins the presidential election, she’ll flip-flop right back to her previous position on the free flow of illegal aliens into the country? No. Which is exactly what dozens of left-wing immigration groups and other progressive groups are betting on.

The groups, which are backing Harris’ efforts to beat former President Donald Trump, plan to pressure the San Francisco radical if she wins in November to abandon the recent, bipartisan border security bill she promised to sign if elected, according to sources who spoke to Axios. 

The groups referred to that bill as “harmful” and part of a “MAGA anti-immigrant agenda.”

There’s zero doubt in my mind that 2019 Kamala, regardless of what 2024 Kamala now pretends to believe, agrees. I also have zero doubt that she’ll race back to her 2019 self if she does wins, as fast as she can.

2019 Kamala bragged at a pro-immigration event with local sheriffs and DAs that, as then-California attorney general, enforcing our immigration laws was “optional.” But now, as the Democrat presidential nominee, 2024 Kamala continues to claim she was an attorney general who enforced the laws.

Translation: “optional” enforcement to Harris and the Democrat Party is as little enforcement as they can get away with.

Kerri Talbot, executive director of the Immigration Hub, just came right out and said what her group and others expect Harris to do if she wins. She told Axios (in the story linked above):

We all know and trust Harris to make the right decisions when she’s in office. I don’t think this bill will ever come up again, as is, If you take out the Ukraine aide that was originally part of the compromise, it’s just a Republican bill.
