As Voter Fears Rise, Trump Landslide Predictions Start to Emerge

The defining narrative of the 2024 presidential election right now is that the race is a toss-up, and that Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have an almost equal chance of winning. It’s not just the polls that make Harris appear to be on solid footing. Perhaps in response to the voluminous number of surveys showing a neck-and-neck race, and believing Trump is too volatile to be elected again, the betting markets – the best single indicator of who people believe will win – now favor Harris by seven points. So Kamala is in a strong position to become the 47th president, right?

Not so fast. Over the last few days, at least three respected political analysts have gone out on a limb by hinting at or outright predicting not just a win for Trump, but a landslide. Are they delusional – and, if not, what exactly leads them to this startling conclusion? Liberty Nation News was bold enough to consider such an outcome many months ago, albeit in a matchup between Trump and Biden, not Harris, but even though the VP appears to be more popular with voters than Biden, the fundamentals of the race have not changed as much as many think.

In his piece for The Hill, entitled: “The ‘scared majority’ could deliver a landslide victory for Trump,” Douglas Mackinnon, a Reagan/Bush-era political consultant and no fan of Trump, cites the mounting fears of voters about what they have experienced since 2020. Alluding to the downward spiral of life in America, he observes that the alarming number of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck are increasingly driven by abject fear. Animated by Harris’s celebrity-drenched appearance with Oprah Winfrey, in which she returned to her pre-debate, cringeworthy words salads, Mackinnon pulls no punches:

“While the entrenched elites from politics, academia … Hollywood and the media who live in bubbles of luxury and protection won’t notice, those Americans have never been more scared in their lives. Not only about their future, but about their present … Those I speak with on a regular basis tell me they have never been so frightened about circumstances out of their control … I predict that there is a reckoning coming in November from those tens of millions of scared voters. And I suspect that reckoning is going to produce a landslide victory for Trump.”

Joining the Trump Landslide Bandwagon

Trump skeptic Douglas Mackinnon is not the only commentator daring enough to predict a Trump landslide. Longtime conservative columnist Roger Kimball, in a piece for Trump-friendly American Greatness entitled “Levitation 101,” cuts to the chase: “Victory for the Democrats will depend on the perpetuation of the illusion that Kamala Harris is in any way a plausible candidate for the presidency of the United States.”


Patriotic Patriot

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