Providence middle school teacher charged with sexual assault of student, possession of child pornography

A middle school teacher in Providence, Rhode Island has been charged with first degree sexual assault as well as one count of producing or transferring child pornography. The 50-year-old teacher was arraigned on Friday. 

Joseph Gannon, 50, was arrested and read the charges on Friday, according to NBC 10. Gannon was an 8th grade science teacher at Nathanael Greene Middle School and the students’ families were sent a letter that said Gannon was placed on leave following the arrest. Gannon had worked at the school for 25 years.  

Providence police officers took Gannon into custody on Friday afternoon. In response to the alleged crimes, one parent told the local outlet, “It’s just at a point where you just don’t know.”  

“It’s kind of devastating,” another neighbor told the outlet. “The one person who’s supposed to protect the kids and care for their wellbeing away from home.” Police said that Gannon’s accuser has come forward with the allegations against the teacher recently, reporting to police that the science teacher has been sexually assaulting her for years, starting when she was in middle school. She was also a student of Gannon’s

One resident in the town said that they removed their student from the school when there were several red flags, causing her to remove her child from the middle school. “We switched him yeah… because every time you turn around police are always there for something,” the resident told NBC 10.  


Approved ~ MJM