After Staging Event for Kamala Harris, Primanti Brothers a PA Based Restuarant Chain, Blocks JD Vance from Entering

The Primanti Brothers restaurant chain is apparently owned and operated by hardcore left-wing activists.  [Details on Restaurant Here]

About a month ago, it was reported in the Daily Mail the restaurant chain kicked out all of the regular dining patrons so they could stage actors as a campaign event for Kamals Harris in the Pittsburgh area.

The Harris campaign bussed in the press pool and a group of campaign supporters, essentially actors, to stage a photo shoot meet and greet and manufacture the appearance of support for Kamals Harris.

The August event was presented as “ordinary diners,” but was in fact a group of Harris campaign workers.  Essentially this was typical astroturf sold as organic or authentic campaigning; it wasn’t.  Everything around Kamala Harris is fake, manufactured and astroturf performance.

Staff at the restaurant told patrons they would have to leave at 4:00pm due to a ‘private event’ which turned out to be a campaign stop for Kamala Harris.

♦ In a remarkable contrast, today the same restaurant chain blocked republican VP nominee JD Vance from entering the building and campaigning.

A video taken by a diner within Primanti Brothers was posted on Twitter and quickly went viral.  Apparently, most of the people inside the establishment immediately cancelled their orders as soon as they realized what was happening.

The barred JD Vance was undeterred and remained outside the building to thank people as they left.  The video shows JD Vance telling those who were outraged that he paid for cancelled meals, left a tip and reminded the operator of the restaurant of the “no tax on tips” pledge from the campaign.