Energy Is Evidence of God – A puzzle

 Energy is a conserved quantity, meaning that it cannot be created or destroyed, but only converted from one form into another. Thus, the total energy of the universe always remains constant.

So, the same energy that existed at the beginning of the universe continues to exist and will exist forever.

Since energy cannot be created, it must predate the universe, just as all laws of physics must. Not one law could have come about after the creation of the universe.

Most people read Genesis as starting with, “When God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was void and without form.” That is as close as it gets to a direct translation from Hebrew, but Hebrew is a figurative language and cannot be translated word for word without the loss of meaning. The heavens are a direct reference to the universe, where there was a vast nothingness. There were no laws in place and not a single atom.

The first thing God had to create, before the first atom, was the laws of physics. Not just the laws, known and yet to be discovered, but mathematics. Both laws and mathematics are referred to as discoveries. Now this is interesting because we can only discover what has already been put in place.

It was only after the laws and mathematics were put in place, could the universe begin to take form. Once the universe began to [form], not one law could have come from that moment onward. Laws do not come after the fact. No one has ever come up with a way for any law to come into existence after the universe began.

This is especially problematic with the Big Bang theory, as Natalie Wolchover, Senior Writer and Editor for Quanta Magazine pointed out in an article released in June of 2019.  Big Bang “rewinds the expansion of the universe back to a hot, dense bundle of energy. But where did the initial energy come from?”

The issue of initial conditions remain: What was the source of the minuscule patch that allegedly ballooned into our cosmos, and of the potential energy that inflated it?”

Professor Stephen Hawking claimed to have solved the problem by claiming the universe must have created itself from nothing, through the use of existing laws. To say something can come from nothing is no different than saying energy can be created and destroyed.

So which came first? The laws of physics or the universe? And if the laws came first (and they must have) from where did they come?

How can you construct something like the universe without first having laws of construction in place?

And if energy has always been here, how do we reconcile Hawking’s claim  that not only the universe, but life created itself out of nothing?

And as a theist what do we do with this theory that energy is uncreated and for that matter,  indestructible?




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