Hot Goss! Lindsey Lapdog Privately Dishes That Mar-a-Lago Is Like North Korea And Other Sassy Asides

Ouch! Sassy!

Oh, Lindsey, you are too much! So catty. So naughty.

One of Donald Trump’s closest confidantes has compared the former president’s Mar-a-Lago Florida estate to North Korea, according to an upcoming book by Watergate journalist Bob Woodward.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reportedly said: “Going to Mar-a-Lago is a little bit like going to North Korea. Everybody stands up and claps every time Trump comes in.”…

Graham is quoted as saying that Biden won the 2020 election “fair and square,” but “Trump doesn’t like to hear that.”…

“You’ve got a problem with moderate women. The people that think that the earth is flat and we didn’t go to the moon, you’ve got them. Let that go,”…

Trump allegedly called Graham a few days later to proudly exclaim: “I gave a speech today and I only mentioned the 2020 election twice!”…

Woodward also writes about a March meeting between Graham and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman when the South Carolina senator suggested calling Trump… bin Salman ordered an aide to bring over a bag containing about 50 burner phones and pulled one out with the label, “TRUMP 45.”

And not to bury the lede but other news from new Woodward’s book is less fun:

An aide to Trump told Woodward he was once asked to leave a room at Trump’s home in Florida so he could have a private phone call with Putin.

“According to Trump’s aide, there have been multiple phone calls between Trump and Putin, maybe as many as seven in the period since Trump left the White House in 2021,”…

Another revelation in Woodward’s new title is that Trump sent Putin a secret shipment of COVID-19 testing equipment in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, when tests could sometimes be hard to come by. Putin reportedly begged Trump not to tell.

“I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me,” Putin said, according to Woodward. “They don’t care about me.”

But back to Lindsey, he of the beautiful lashes. Like any red blooded American, sometimes Lindsey just can’t help himself. He’s just gotta have himself a good sesh and dish on his boss. It’s just a reminder that from Trump’s likewise lash-endowed VP running mate to everyone in Congress, absolutely nobody that knows Trump respects him. They all talk about him behind his back like he’s got the mind of a spoiled 5 year old, which of course is far too generous.


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