It’s the 4th anniversary of the biggest lie the Biden-Harris administration ever told. It’s only gotten worse

The American people understand it is not uncommon for political campaigns to spin negative stories, but this went far beyond spin. It was a lie

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have a casual relationship with the truth. They told us that they aren’t trying to ban gas stoves, that our president’s abilities aren’t in decline, and that the border isn’t open. They called these conspiracy theories. It appears we are going to have to get some new conspiracy theories because all the old ones turned out to be true.  

Monday marks the fourth anniversary of the biggest lie the Biden-Harris administration told: that Mr. Hunter Biden’s laptop was not real.

Three weeks before the 2020 election, the New York Post published its first article on the contents of Mr. Biden’s laptop. The report featured an email in which one of Mr. Biden’s business partners mentioned a meeting with President Biden. President Biden had denied meeting with Hunter Biden’s business associates while on the campaign trail.

Photographs later proved that President Biden had met with one of Hunter Biden’s business partners. In fact, everything on his laptop was authentic—and the FBI, members of the Biden-Harris campaign team and Hunter Biden himself knew it all along. Instead of squarely addressing the content of the laptop and telling the American people the truth, the Biden-Harris campaign developed an elaborate scheme to mislead voters just three weeks before the presidential election by pretending the laptop was Russian disinformation. 

The American people understand it is not uncommon for political campaigns to spin negative stories, but this went far beyond spin. It was a lie.

After the Post published the report, current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken—who was then a member of the Biden-Harris campaign team—began reaching out to members of the intelligence community to plant the seed that the laptop was a Russian hoax. Mr. Blinken ginned up more than 50 intelligence officials to sign a letter saying that the laptop had “the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

The CIA did nothing to stop the letter despite internal documents showing its officials had concerns that allowing the publication of these deceptive claims would not be “helpful to the Agency in the long run.” Duh. 

The mainstream media—many of whom were weepy after learning that the first Russian election conspiracy was a hoax—obligingly picked up and reported the letter’s talking points without ever attempting to verify the laptop. NPR called the story a “pure distraction” and refused to cover the story amid a competitive presidential race. In fact, most of the media ignored the laptop for years. Harsh? No. The truth. 

Today, the media, FBI, CIA, and even some in the Biden-Harris administration have finally admitted that the laptop is real. The FBI even used the laptop to prosecute Hunter Biden’s gun charge conviction.

President Biden and Vice President Harris argue that they are just trying to protect democracy. Yet they have done all they can to prevent citizens from hearing the truth about their administration. That itself is anti-democratic. And it is immoral.