Trump Plans to Amp Up His Violent, Bigoted Rhetoric in Closing Pitch to Voters

In recent weeks, Trump reiterated he wants to be “dictator” for a day, urged police to be more violent, and claimed migrants are predisposed to murder

THERE’S LESS THAN a month left in the presidential election, which will not only shape Donald Trump’s political legacy and the nation’s trajectory, but also likely decide whether he’ll face multiple prison sentences. And as he makes his closing argument, Trump is  planning to amp up his violent, fascist rhetoric all the way to Election Day.

Trump told one small huddle of these allies, one of the sources relays, as he emphasized that, especially on immigration, he needs to slam his foot on the gas.

This belief helps explain Trump’s recent diatribes, which have included talking about dictatorship, repeatedly lying about and demonizing migrants, and encouraging police to be extra violent in ways that resemble The Purge, the popular dystopian-horror movie franchise

The other source adds that the ex-president has said lately that he pays close attention to which lines his rally audiences eat up the most and cheer the loudest at — and that Trump specifically noted how his rally attendees applauded and whooped when he reiterated his much-maligned pledge to “be a dictator for one day.” 

During a rally in Wisconsin on Sunday, Trump told the crowd about a conversation he had with Fox News host Sean Hannity. “‘You don’t want to be a dictator, do you?’” he recalled Hannity asking him. Trump continued: “I said, ‘Sean, I only want to be a dictator for one day, and I’m going to close the borders and drill, baby drill. But after that, I never want to be a dictator.’” 

The crowd roared with approval.

On Monday, Trump suggested that immigrants are genetically predisposed to become murderers.

Remigration is an idea popular among the far-right in Europe that refers to forcing all immigrants back to their native countries, a form of ethnic cleansing.