Heat Exhaustion, Violent Speech, Reports of Missing Shuttles Mar Trump Rally in Coachella

The heat baked attendees at around 100 degrees for hours on end as they waited for Trump to begin speaking, with accounts of multiple instances of heat exhaustion or heat stroke reported.

Trump also called for a protester to “go back home to Mommy” to “get the hell knocked out of her,” in his latest instance of using violent language when confronted by demonstrators.

At the end of the event, many attendees reportedly discovered they had been stranded by shuttle services several miles from their cars and were forced to either wait for alternative transportation or walk back on their own.

The abandonment by the shuttles echoed Trump’s 2020 campaign rallies, when his supporters were stranded at multiple events by the shuttle services and had to walk back to their vehicles alone, sometimes in freezing cold and snow.ARTICLE HERE