‘We Are Not Making This Up!’ James Carville Warns Trump Will Round Up His Enemies, Claims He’s Mimicking Nazi Rallies

Carville compared Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally scheduled to take place later this month to an American Nazi rally that occurred in 1939.

I did not realize when I said that that he would actually go on television and say, I’m going to use the military to round up my political enemies. When I said that out of General Flynn, who’s going to be very senior in this administration, didn’t say that the gates of hell will reign on my political enemies. When I said that, I didn’t know that he was going to schedule a rally at Madison Square Garden to mimic the Nazi rally of 10th February 1939. So we have they’re they’re telling you. And by the way, if they win, they’re going to correctly say, we we told you an election what we’re going to do and you voted for Bush. You have green lighted the whole thing. And if we don’t tell people about that, if they don’t, if these young black men — how do you think they’re going to do if you are young, black, male? And Trump inspired the army to round up of people. How well do you think you’re going to do…you think you’ve got nothing to lose?

How about looking at American history for one time and see what can happen here. And they are telling you we’re not making this up. This is not we can be fact checked by anybody. They have promised military round up. They’ve promised the gates of hell will reign on the enemies. The Supreme Court has greenlighted it. They were asked the question, if a Navy Seal is ordered to assassinate a political enemy — nothing wrong with that. That’s just part of his job. They are telling you they’re doing all of this. Pay attention to them right now, please. They’re telling you.