Trump just one bottle of self-tanner away from Republicans demanding to see his birth certificate

Is Donald Trump tanning too close to the sun? According to experts, the presidential candidate is only one bottle of self-tanner away from his Republican party colleagues wanting to see his birth certificate.

“Donald Trump is making a serious tactical mistake here,” says political scientist Ben Albright, analyzing the situation. “Initially, having a little tan gave him a dynamic and healthy look. But now he is getting darker and darker – perhaps soon so dark that his own base could turn against him.”

Questioning the American origins of people with dark skin is a tradition in the right-wing camp, as the example of Barack Obama shows. “Just one or two more nuances and the first rumors are likely to emerge that Trump was born in Africa and therefore cannot legally be elected president.”

Alternatively, it could be claimed that he was elected not because of his ability, but because of the color of his skin. “And once something like that is out there, it’s not easy to get rid of it. Republicans simply don’t vote for someone like that,” said Albright.

In fact, many experts believe Trump could be heading into even more dangerous waters. He is only two more bottles of self-tanner away from being stopped by the police and beaten or even killed.