The Rev. Jason Genest loves God and his church.
He also loves U.S. history.
Which is why he gets nervous when he hears people talk about America being founded as a Christian nation. Or wanting to make America Christian by using the power of politics.
America tried that in the past, he said. It did not go well — including for the founder of Genest’s own church.
First Baptist Church of North Middleboro, Massachusetts, was founded by Isaac Backus – a champion of religious freedom in the 1700s — who often found himself at odds with leaders of the Congregational church, which at the time was the official religion of the Bay State.
“I don’t know what there is to long for,” she said. “During the time of disestablishment, neighbors were against neighbors on this issue. It wasn’t like a peaceful time or a time when people were unified. There was a lot of division.”
America is NOT a “Christian” nation. It is a nation founded on: E pluribus unum (Out of many, One).
I’m not sure why anyone would want to turn my country into a theocracy. History has proven time and again that theocracies are noting but religious excuses to oppress, hate, and to murder yor fellow citizens in the name of whatever particular “god” the theocracy pretends to follow.
So, what are YOUR thoughts on this desire for the current crop of “Christian nationalist” Nazi’s wanting to control all religious/governmental aspects of every American citizen?
Personally, all I see is more anti-Jesus hate-mongering, Inquisitions, and women/witch/heretic burning.