Biblical Abortion and Life Starts With The First Breath.
My last post mentioned Christians as being silly, this post I see fundamentalist, and evangelical Christians as non-believers of their faith.
Where God allows abortions on women—in what is called “the test of an unfaithful wife?” Whilst the wife is to say, ‘Amen, so be it.’ Done without evidence in a misogynist world, as only the husband’s word is needed for the priest to perform the abortion, Numbers 5:11-22. All this is done to women while the priest curses them. Also, life starts at the first breath, not as a foetus, Genesis 2:7. Meaning that a foetus is not a viable human until it takes its first breath. So says the God of the Old Testament!
Similar to that of Genesis 2:7, the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (GoT) chapter 2 verse 2, we see a five-year Jesus making birds (sparrows) out of clay. However, in the meantime someone is reporting Jesus to his father Joseph, for working on the Sabbath, i.e., making clay birds. In verse 4, Jesus clapped his hands, ordering the birds with a shout in front of all, and said, “Go, take flight like living beings!” And the sparrows, taking flight, went away squawking. All done, probably to spite the rebuke of his father, Joseph. Chapter 3, Jesus goes on a murderous rampage, which is natural for a 5-year-old whose been chastised for making clay birds, that come alive.
Yet, all that I have said and wrote is not believed by these conservative Christians, who prefer to accept their version against abortions, and what constitutes a baby, which to these Christians is at the time of conception.
What do you say, are Christians accepting their own made beliefs, and not what has been written in the Bible?
Jero Jones
Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/