Why Does The Bible Ignore Our Family Tree?

Neanderthal, Cro Magnum, Australopithecus, and others.  These people actually existed.  Physical evidence of them exists.

The Bible says one man and one woman were created.  They had sex and all of us are supposed to have descended from this pair.  If this is so, how to explain the other types of humans?

Did God have a trial and error period?  If so, how does this fit into the Genesis story of just the two being created?

Were these ancient humans a plant to throw us off, or some sort of twisted test?

Neanderthals and company are a fact.  How can they be explained in biblical context?  If they can’t, doesn’t that toss out the Eden story?

J.P. Bunny

Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/