David French is concerned about about the state of political discourse in the US. French is…
Author: Dan T
Axiomatic, my dear Watson
A number of us non-believers, myself included, think that the character YHWH as described in the…
I want an owner’s manual
Every toaster, lawnmower, and wash machine comes with an owner’s manual. That’s only fair. You deserve…
Climate religion unmasked
The Climate religionists have finally admitted they don’t know what they’re talking about. In a shocking…
Accept the unacceptable
Many thanks to those who responded to the questions in my recent OP, “Danny does the…
Danny does the Dao
Next in an occasional series on Daoism I find people’s stories more interesting than their opinions.…
The Great and Venerable Teacher
Next in an occasional series on Daoism Master Ssu, Master Yü, Master Li, and Master Lai…
You think that’s insulting
“Do you hear that, friends? Old World monkeys! According to Bertram Cates, we don’t even descend…
Ann Patchett
“I still believe in God. And here’s the thing, if I tried to tell you what…
The Future
So Donald Trump won, fair and square. I’m wondering what that means to folks, particularly from…
Resolution On Moral Character Of Public Officials
Southern Baptist Convention Date: June 1, 1998 WHEREAS, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a…
Where you sit and what you see
I have been mulling an age-old truth lately: What you see depends on where you are…