Companies Eager To Subsidize Abortion Because They Think Only Childless Women Are Profitable

By subsidizing abortion, corporations show how they evaluate women’s worth and working potential based on the…

Boebert Fends Off Primary Challenge from More-Moderate Opponent

Representative Lauren Boebert (R., Colo.) on Tuesday successfully staved off a primary challenge from a more-moderate competitor, state…

**DEBATE CLUB** The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)

One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender…

The Money behind the Transgender Movement

Today, Illinois voters go to the polls in the state’s party primaries. Democrats are virtually certain…

“Astonishing defeat”: Michigan supreme court unanimously rebukes state AG’s office in Flint water case, dismisses all indictments

How in the world did Attorney General Dana Nessel allow this to happen? The Michigan supreme…

Presidential Greatness Arrives for Trump

A historic record of appointing constitutionalists to the federal bench finally overturned Roe v. Wade. It…

Elizabeth Warren and AOC call for Biden to set up ’emergency’ abortion clinics on federal lands – including national parks – but Kamala says administration is ‘not discussing’ the idea right now and would rather wait until midterms are over

Both Warren and AOC lobbied for the administration to set up what they called ’emergency’ abortion…

Your Terms Are Acceptable: Green-Haired, Morbidly Obese Leftist Women Call for Sex Strike Over Abortion Ruling

It’s an idea as old as Aristophanes’ Lysistrata (that’s a play from the 5th century BC, kids): women…

Supreme Court Decision May Force Young Women to Confront Sexual Reality 

Thanks to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, young women are confronting some basic truths about men…

Toronto, Seattle Pride Parades Featured Adults Exposing Themselves To Children

Adults continue to expose themselves to children at pride parades, and authorities are not doing a…

US Politician Proposes Mandatory Vasectomy Law In The Wake Of Abortion Rights Being Overturned

An Oklahoma lawmaker has proposed a bill that would force American boys to undergo forced vasectomies…

By Inserting Gender Identity, Team Biden Muddies Title IX’s Protections for Girls, Women at School

KEY TAKEAWAYS -The result of the Title IX changes effectively would force all schools that receive…