Snopes Finally Gets Around to Fact-Checking the Entire Basis of Biden’s Presidency, and Libs Are Big Mad

Better late than never I suppose. Some seven years after it happened, Snopes has finally gotten…

Bill Maher Admits Biden’s ‘Pandering’ Isn’t Working – What He Says Spells Big Trouble for Joe

Bill Maher thinks that Biden shouldn’t have run; that he should have stepped aside. He’s still…

Bill Maher Questions Media Constructed Pro Biden Polling

During his Friday broadcast on HBO, apparently Bill Maher started to catch on to the issue…

Rand Paul and Mike Lee Take Biden to Task for Sidestepping Congress With Security Guarantees for Ukraine

U.S. Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) blasted the Biden administration on Thursday for…

Nevada judge dismisses charges against 6 Republicans who falsely declared Trump the winner in 2020

A Nevada state court judge dismissed a criminal indictment Friday against six Republicans accused of submitting…

Lock Him Up! Voters Want Merrick Garland Removed From Office, Tossed in Prison for Protecting Biden

What can I say about arrogantly defiant Attorney General Merrick Garland that hasn’t already been said?…

Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026

The Biden government is seeking an 18-month delay in releasing COVID-19 vaccine safety data, pushing potential…

Stumbling Into Nuclear War

Today a compliant media, an ignorant public, and an arrogant ruling class have combined to render…

DEI Judge Demands Reporter Reveal Source for Trans Shooter Manifesto

Michael Patrick Leahy, editor and owner of The Tennessee Star, is facing potential imprisonment if he…

Joe Biden Reminds Us To Buy Guns and Ammunition

That crusty old pervert and would-be dictator of ours, Joe Biden, told us the other day…

US overtaken by Russia as main gas supplier to Europe

Huge blow to Europe’s chances of becoming less reliant on Russia and Putin’s laughing In May,…

‘Mass Shootings’ Are Up 44% Under Biden

Mass shootings have surged during Biden’s presidency, with a projected total of 2,462 incidents by the…