Why Some Doctors Think We Should Stop Using Toilet Paper

Humans have used toilet paper dating back to the the 6th century in China, although the…

No benefit of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in people hospitalised with COVID-19

A prospective open label study of 11 people (7 men and 4 women) hospitalised with COVID-19…

Which states have done the least to contain coronavirus?

“Some states are stubbornly defying expert advice to order residents to stay home – even as…

Bailing Out the Bailout

It will take years to sort through the details, but Trump’s $2 trillion COVID-19 response looks…

The Blob Sucked Away Your Public Health and Gave You War Instead

Trillions down the drain for overseas operations and the national security state is still agitating for…

Chloroquine genius Didier Raoult to save the world from COVID-19

As COVID19 pandemic rages on, French microbiologist Didier Raoult offers a cure. President Trump is convinced,…

Mass Job Cuts Across U.S. Threaten to Leave Millions Without Health Insurance

And every single one of them loved their insurance. It’s an will wind…. Thread: A record…

‘There is no gold.’ Bullion dealers sell out in panic buying

‘There’s no gold,’ says Josh Strauss, partner at money manager Pekin Hardy Strauss in Chicago (and…

Amazon’s Bezos, Other Corporate Executives Sold Shares Just in Time

With the pandemic bearing down on the market, sales by insiders spared them $1.9 billion in…

‘This Is a Massive Scandal’: Trump FDA Grants Drug Company Exclusive Claim on Promising Coronavirus Drug

Waiting on edits – NV. Article link inoperative As healthcare providers across the U.S. desperately attempt…

Stop the Coronavirus Corporate Coup

Here’s the situation. Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and the Trump administration is negotiating a bailout package…

Confirmed Coronavirus Cases Are Growing Faster In The United States Than Any Other Country In The World

As of today, the United States falls in last place with regard to limiting COVID-19 growth…