Virgin Mary Statue In New Jersey Desecrated, Covered In Dog Feces By Vandal

Approved ~ AA“ It’s heart wrenching to contemplate the anguish and pain that an individual…

Trans privilege: Liberal media sugarcoats the story of a transgender employee harassing a conservative customer

Approved ~ AA Guess what happens when an employee randomly harasses a customer and throws…

NYT Left Out Exculpatory Evidence From Brett Kavanaugh Story

Approved ~ AA The article left out a crucial fact that was included in the…

Bernie Sanders: ‘We Are Going to Impose a Moratorium on Deportations’ Sanders also told the group that Medicare for All and free college would extend to…

Former NFL player allegedly staged hate crime at his own business, police say Police said Friday a business owner and former NFL player allegedly staged a burglary in…

‘Beto’ O’Rourke Confirms: ‘Yes’ I Want to Tear Down Border Walls Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D) confirmed in an interview with Latino USA’s Maria Hinojosa Friday…

Shocking video shows mob pummel man outside Minnesota’s Target Field Shocking surveillance footage shows a senseless beatdown outside the Minnesota Twins stadium, where a group…

Judge says statue at center of Charlottesville protests must stay

Approved~~MJM A Virginia state judge ruled Wednesday that statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall…

Trump to stop in Baltimore weeks after denigrating city

Approved~~MJM BALTIMORE (AP) — Months after President Donald Trump derided the congressional district that includes Baltimore…

Conservative TV Channel Sues MSNBC’s Maddow for Calling It ‘Paid Propaganda’ A conservative television network has sued MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow for more than $10 million for…

‘Historic milestone’: Senate confirms 150th Trump judicial nominee Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham called the number of confirmations a “historic milestone.” “These conservative…

Valerie Plame’s claim that Scooter Libby leaked her identity

Approved ~ AA “I was an undercover CIA operative. My assignment was preventing rogue states…