Were UFOs there for Jesus’s birth? What Tom Delonge says

According to former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge, extraterrestrial coexistence has been around much longer than most…

The Power of the Cross

My daughter was watching a Disney movie involving ghost teenagers from 25 years ago… which was…

It’s not Law vs Grace, its ALWAYS been about Grace.

As one of our prolific commentators noted: “No you’re not commanded. You can trust or reject…

Pentagon unveils new religious liberty policies after pressure from conservative lawmakers

The Pentagon has issued new guidance on religious liberty within the military — following pressure from Republican…

Given to Know

Personal relationship with God is personal responsibility to God. He took upon himself (in Christ), my…

New study uncovers a neurocognitive process that predicts differences in belief in God

Individuals who unconsciously learn patterns tend to hold stronger beliefs that there is a god who…

The Crusades Were a Guise For Annihilating the Eastern Orthodox Churches!

R&I – FS Hi The Crusades Were a Guise For Annihilating the Eastern Orthodox Churches! The…

3 Lines in Corinthians that dismantles a historical Jesus

21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him,…

Yes, humans are still evolving. Here’s how you can tell.

The nice thing about bacteria is that they multiply really fast. This is inconvenient if they…

Conservative Evangelical Asks God To Give Her Strength To Incorporate Forced Hysterectomies Into Belief System

Praying that the Lord Almighty would help her understand the recent whistleblower reports about Immigration and…

Separation Between Church and State!

Hi Separation Between Church and State! Today, the conservative Christians in the US are aiming for…

The Medieval Land Grabbing Papacy!

R&I – FS Hi The Medieval Land Grabbing Papacy! Looking back through history, we perceive the…