Obama’s WH Doc: Biden Has ‘Age-Related Cognitive Decline,’ Is Not ‘Mentally Fit’ to Serve as POTUS

“You don’t need to be a physician to look at him and to look at his…

Anyone Speak Biden?…. this from today’s hate speech…

You know they hate this man speaking without help…. But with media 95% behind him (he…

CLOWN SHOW: Joe Biden Offers to Take Questions From Members of Democrat Caucus, But His Aides Jump In and Stop Him

Biden barely works so for him to make a trip up to The Hill on a…

Between Afghanistan and Immigration, Have We Ever Had a Less Competent President?

Since taking office, however, Biden has not made any effort to back up his pledge. He…

Generals’ Testimony: Biden Lied To America About Afghanistan

Generals Austin, Milley, and McKensie testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday. Milley and McKensie’s…

Biden’s Dishonesty And Dementia Are Causing Problems For Him – And The Nation

First, some recent examples of Biden’s ongoing unfamiliarity with the truth. His insistence that there was…

‘Let’s ‘elect’ an old incoherent medical patient as the next president’

After all, they would need him to sign all sorts of insane executive orders, and no…

The Whole World Knows Biden Is Not Fit for Office But Democrats and RINOs Continue to Pretend He Is

The whole world knows Joe Biden is not fit for office.  But the politicians in Washington…