Forget sharks and bears – it’s deer that you should worry about hurting you

It turns out that deer-vehicle collisions are far more than a southern Connecticut problem. They’re a…

MAPPED: The 32 states where zombie deer disease has been reported so far – and why humans should be prepared for ‘slow moving disaster’

At least 32 states in America and parts of Canada have seen reports of a virus dubbed ‘Zombie deer…

Kroger shoppers in Indiana film deer running through aisles, jumping meat counter

Shoppers at an Indiana Kroger were in for a big surprise when a deer tore through…

Arkansas hunter dies after deer he shot attacks him

YELLVILLE, Ark. (WTHR) – A hunter in Arkansas died after being attacked by a deer he…

‘Zombie deer’ threatening to invade US state It may sound like the setup for a low budget horror film, but wildlife officials…