Free Speech Is A Threat To Democrats

To hear liberals talk about our Founding Fathers you’d think they were nothing but a bunch…

Kean’s Silence on the Republican National Committee “Legitimate Political Discourse” Resolution

On the first anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, I authored a column documenting and confirming…

In an age of fascist counterrevolution, our biggest problem may be the death of ethics

Jan. 6 was only one symptom of the brutal assault on morality, history and justice. It’s…

The Plan Was Simple: Infiltrate MAGA World and Tell Everyone What She Saw. Then She Was Found Out.

Amanda Moore went undercover and witnessed how fascism has burrowed into the right. “There is more…

Newly-Elected Democrats Let Their Masks Slip, Revealing The Fascists Beneath

Since the 2018 elections, we have seen a lot of stupid people electing Democrats in state…