It’s all but disappeared from the news since Trump left office, but the border crisis shows ‘no sign of slowing down’ (in fact, it’s getting worse)

In terms of domestic issues, it seems like most Americans are pretty focused on the economy.…

Cruz, Mayorkas clash over ‘Biden cages’ for migrant kids in hearing

Sen. Ted Cruz peppered Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with repeated questions Tuesday about children the…

‘Go see the Biden cages’: Ted Cruz mocks AOC for failing to hold Biden to account over border crisis as he mimics her posing with a child immigrant at a detention facility under Trump

Senator Ted Cruz challenged progressive lawmakers to visit the ‘Biden cages’ of migrants at the southern…

FEAR OF LICE OUTBREAK at Biden’s ‘Kids in Cages’ Camp Where 4,100 Children are Stuffed in Facility That Holds 250 Children

The Biden administration FINALLY let media into its biggest shelter for migrant kids. It is reportedly…

The Cage Biden Wants for American Children

According to the government itself, children do better academically in Catholic schools than they do in…

Texas Governor Orders Investigation Into Joe Biden’s Filthy, Unsanitary Holding Camp for Migrant Minors After Massive Covid Outbreak

Earlier this week our sources told The Gateway Pundit that US border patrol agents on the…

Blue-checked journalist explains why it’s ackshually good that so many migrant children are being kept in cages on Joe Biden’s watch

The border-crisis-whose-name-the-Biden-administration-dare-not speak is reportedly getting worse every day.

Backlog of migrant children in Border Patrol custody soars to 4,200, with 3,000 held past legal limit

R/I ~ AA . As of Sunday morning, U.S. Border Patrol was holding more than 4,200…

Biden Admin Restricts Senior DHS Officials from Sharing Border Crisis Info with Reporters

A senior-level law enforcement source in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told Breitbart Texas they…

Nothing To See Here: Biden Bans Reporters from Viewing His ‘Kids in Cages’

After 4 years of accusations against Donald Trump for his detention of illegal alien children in…

‘Kids In Cages’ Are Back But Being Billed as Something Completely Different

What the Biden administration is doing is nothing more than a continuation of the policies we…

PIVOT: Check Out The New Narrative On ‘Kids In Cages’

The media is soulless, as we have so thoroughly covered here at RedState.  Continually and without…