The University of Michigan is kicking students with the ‘Rona out of their dorms and telling them to go stay in a hotel because that will stop the spread or something 🥴

Sometimes, I am somehow still SHOCKED by how purely asinine “public health” people can be in…

In Huntington Beach, they’re ready and waiting for the COVID mask enforcers

Article Image courtesy of KTLA The City of Huntington Beach, also known as “Surf City,” situated…

Whoopi Goldberg has Covid and “The View” wants their liberal audience to know that the ‘Rona is coming

Okay, I don’t want to jump on the “it’s all part of the plan” bandwagon, but…

Trump: “They want to restart the Covid hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship … we will not comply”

Is he wrong? Continued… Approved ~ MJM

‘Complete nonsense’: Americans mobilizing to fight surging wave of Covid hysteria 2.0

‘The populace can be kept in a state of repeated anxiety.’ As Joe Biden and liberal…

White House pumps new Covid vax, says it’s ‘safest protection for avoiding hospitalization’

Where have we heard this one before? Are Covid-19 hysteria and the lockdowns that come with it making…

White House mobilizing for more Covid hysteria

Joe Biden has proven to be an absolute disaster of a leader, so it should come as…

It sure looks like mask mandate and vaccine requirement plans are in the works

Recently, RedState warned everyone that COVID scolds and the brain-dead “public health” zombies who want to mask everyone,…

Apparently free choice doesn’t apply to teachers

R&I~Smit Texas parent rips mask off teacher’s face, superintendent says “But in the days leading up…

‘Screw your freedom’: Arnold Schwarzenegger unleashes viral mask, vaccine rant

R&I – FS Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger had some tough words for those who dislike…