Prosecutors show billing records in Sussman trial

R/I ~ AA . A lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign repeatedly billed to the campaign “general…

To Spy on a Trump Aide, the FBI Pursued a Dossier Rumor the Press Shot Down as ‘Bullshit’

R/I ~ AA . The FBI decision to spy on a former Trump campaign adviser hinged…

#ArrestHillaryClintonForTreason Trends after Durham Drops Spying Bombshell

Special Counsel Durham has been investigating the Russiagate scandal for a while now, digging deeply into…

La, la, la, can’t hear you: How the liberal media outlets that relentlessly pushed ‘Russian collusion’ smear have totally ignored Durham’s revelation that Hillary SPIED on Trump. CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, NBC and CBS all pass

The former president accused the mainstream media of hypocrisy for their lack of coverage on allegations…

Russia Collusion Hoaxer Jake Sullivan Can’t Be Trusted To Evaluate Threats After Fabricating Them For Political Gain

Americans can’t trust a liar like Jake Sullivan to be honest about the threats facing the…

Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan – who worked for Hillary during 2016 presidential race – tied to conspiracy to trick FBI into investigating Trump for Russian collusion

Sullivan was 2016  presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy advisor He was referenced in an indictment…

President Trump Was Acquitted, But Impeachment Was a Distraction

… The Russian hoax and the insurrection hoax are both pretexts for a state of emergency.…