The Biggest Questions: Are we alone in the universe?

In 1977, the New York Times published an article titled “Seeking an End to Cosmic Loneliness,”…

NASA spacecraft launched to mysterious and rare metal asteroid in first mission of its kind*ExzGEcdzxjcIGeknwz3N1w.jpeg After decades of visiting faraway worlds of rock, ice and gas, NASA is psyched to…

Physics Nobel Prize rewards science on a ‘tiny timescale’

  This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics rewards experiments with light that capture “the shortest of…


While we’re diving into notions of “evidence” and “truth,” I’d like to bring into focus a…

New tech boosts Dutch drive for sustainable farming

On a bright blue day project manager Wijnand Sukkel stands in the expansive fields across from…

Forty years ago, EPA scientists warned about climate change. How accurate were their predictions?

A look back at an early government reckoning with ‘greenhouse warming’ shows just how long the…

10 Medications You Should Never Mix With Coffee

If you’re like most Americans, you start your day with a steaming cup of coffee, and…

Scottish government axes 16 million trees to clear way for ‘greener’ solutions

Stupidity is increasingly state-sanctioned… Since 2000, the Scottish government has felled around 1,700 trees on a…

U.S. lab says it repeated fusion energy feat with higher yield

A group of U.S. scientists say they have repeated their landmark energy feat — a nuclear…

LK-99 superconductor research breakthrough could mark ‘new era for humankind’

Imagine riding a levitating train at speeds of 14,000 miles per hour — cutting the trip…

Hillary Clinton blames ‘MAGA Republicans’ for making it hot outside

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took to Twitter on Tuesday to blast “MAGA Republicans” for…

I’m a transgender dad who gave birth to my daughter when my partner couldn’t conceive

Transgender dad Caleb Bolden, 27, paused his transition journey to give birth because partner Niamh Bolden,…