Tim Ballard, former DHS agent, and the man depicted in the hit anti-trafficking film Sound of Freedom, told Congress on Wednesday that Biden administration’s handling of the crisis at the US border has essentially made it a “child-trafficking delivery service.”

Tim Ballard, former DHS agent, founder of Operation Underground Railroad and the man depicted in the…

Bill to make child sex trafficking in California a serious felony faces a secretive hurdle

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — State lawmakers in a key committee on Wednesday placed a proposal that would…

CA preschool teacher blasts ‘innocence,’ says toddlers should be taught ‘queerness,’ sexuality in classroom

A preschool teacher repeatedly attacked the idea of “childhood innocence” and claimed that topics considered “inappropriate”…

The brutal truth of ‘gender-affirming care’

Image Source: Wikipedia “My breasts were taken away from me (and) the tissue was incinerated.” Every…

Young woman shares “heartbreaking” details in House regarding how “sick medical professionals” mutilated her

A brave young woman spent her 19th birthday Thursday before the U.S. House of Representatives reliving…

Tim Ballard: Thousands of unaccompanied children ‘disappearing’ into U.S. interior

Establishment media outlets and other players do not want to have a conversation about what is…

Column: It’s simple — peddling children for sex is serious

What happened in the California state Assembly truly was a bush-league error. Similarly, the hardball game…

Biden DOJ faces criticism for removing sex trafficking info from webpage

The U.S. Department of Justice is facing criticism from congressional Republicans and nonprofit leaders for removing…