Misery Index: Bidenflation Remains Sky-High, And Americans Aren’t Fooled

Each month since the 1970s, economists have used the newly released and updated Bureau of Labor…

Will Biden Get Bailed Out On, ‘She Was 12, & I Was 30?’

You saw the creepy video right? (Hyperlink to video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ci46wvCjafZ/?igshid=MDE2OWE1N2Q=) And then there was that diary……

Joe Biden’s Approval Underwater on Every Key Issue

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is underwater on every key issue listed in the latest The Economist/YouGov…

Majority Believe It’s Time to Impeach Biden

President Joe Biden has embarrassed the U.S. countless times, including making his own party want to…

Why Biden’s speech was among ‘the most disgusting speeches’ ever: Ron DeSantis

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis explained why President Biden’s Thursday speech was “one of the most disgusting…

A Montage of Idiocy: Joe Biden Slurs, Mumbles, Loses His Train of Thought, Wanders from Podium, and Screams During MD Rally

Joe Biden held a rally for some reason. They bused in a bunch of idiots to…

Doomsday political scenario takes shape for Democrats

The midterm election doomsday scenario for Democrats is becoming clearer, scarier, and more real as inflation…

When Will GOP Leadership Come Out and Say It? Biden is a Traitor. He Must be Impeached, Then Indicted for Treason.

It’s all out in the open now. We have a traitor and suicide bomber in the…

Joe Biden’s presidency is failing. And Americans are hurting because of it.

In his first months in office, Biden rode high with a 55% to 59% approval rating. He signed a slew…

Breaking the bank: Retirement accounts see combined losses of $3.4 trillionBoth 401(k) and IRA accounts nationwide have lost an estimated combined amount of $3.4 trillion since January.

Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research Director Alicia Munnell published her estimates of the losses Tuesday.…

Poll: 92 Percent Say Rising Gas Prices a ‘Serious’ Problem in Biden’s America

The vast majority of voters say the rising cost of gas is a “serious” problem in…

Biden’s Still Fighting in Court to Keep Ban on Oil and Gas Leases

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” host Elizabeth MacDonald pointed out that…