Neo-Nazis with swastika flags hold ‘disgusting and repugnant’ march in Madison, Wisc.

Neo-Nazi marchers descended on Madison, Wisc., for a twisted weekend rally, prompting swift condemnation from state…

A Bernie supporter showed up to the Wisconsin Capitol on Wednesday with a loaded pistol asking to speak with the governor, got arrested, then posted bail and returned with his AK

Doesn’t matter which side you’re on, this is unacceptable: Dude showed up to the capitol shirtless…

Estate of man Kyle Rittenhouse killed in self-defense launches ‘wrongful death’ lawsuit

“I’m being sued again for defending my life.”  On Friday, Kyle Rittenhouse announced that he was being sued…

Man Erupts After Noticing Prize-Winning Cow at Wisconsin State Fair is Named After a Seven-Letter “Racial Slur” – Family Exhibitor is Tossed from Fair and then Apologizes to the Black Community

West Allis, Wisconsin – A Wisconsin man got triggered after seeing the name of a prize-winning…

~OFF TOPIC~ Thread for Thursday, August 18th

How Wisconsin’s GOP Is Losing Its Mind

Plus: The Gazpacho Police! If I were a more serious person, I would pass over the…

Ex-police chief: Police should never welcome the help of vigilantes

At 17, Rittenhouse was charged with violating Wisconsin law, which bars those under 18 from being…

Wisconsin Primary Voters Receive ‘I Voted’ Gravestones