Quick links and How to recreate Disqus so you can navigate.


Op/Ed David Adams

The following links will help you to more easily navigate if you chose to follow them.

Once you follow 2 or more of them simply log out and then log back in and you home button will work again.

This is not hacking or anything nefarious I just do this stuff by accident.

I find work arounds for stuff that gets on my nerves.

So anyway under your image or photo Icon there is a comments following and followers ckick on the

following then click the communities tab and you should now see the new communities you have added to your following que.

As you can see by the photo i have followed all of the new channels we have links too and i can now switch back and forth between them from the discus home button where it gives a trending for the channels I have selected.

Trending is nice

From the home channel you will have up to 5 quick links to channels you follow or you can go to the following and communities tab if you have more then 5 to find the missing links.

I have included links here to make it simple to add these channels so that you can follow them if you choose.

If you want to forward this op link to people on these other channels so that they too can enjoy these new features i have found feel free to link let them know.

you can also simply click this link to see my links which you can then follow right off my link link


List of links.











David Adams

Article URL : https://disqus.com/by/disqus_ELQw0dqE9v/following/sites/