Media at war: Trump China policy is working —but you won’t hear about it

Media at war: Trump China policy is working —but you won’t hear about it

If you listen to leftist politicians and the mainstream media, we are constantly on the verge of a major recession and President Donald Trump is losing the trade war with China.

However, the facts tell a very different story.

The economy is growing far more than it ever did under Barack Obama, and economists are arguing that Trump’s tariff strategy with China is working in the United States’ favor.

“Today, it’s hard to turn on the financial news, open a business paper or browse an investment website without seeing some doomsayers predicting the impending collapse of the U.S. economy and equity markets because of the latest tariff or presidential tweet. When the markets invariably resume their upward trends the next day, it’s crickets,” Greg Autry, an assistant professor of clinical entrepreneurship in the Marshall School of Business at USC, wrote in an issue of the Los Angeles Times detailing exactly how Trump is winning when it comes to China.

David Adams

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