Should SCOTUS Judges Pal Around With Professional Bigots Whose Cases They Are Trying?

Some Supreme Court justices just can’t stop being bigots.

Last week not one, but two justices with lifetime appointments to the highest court in the United States decided it would be fun to hang out with the leader of an anti-LGBTQ hate group at the Supreme Court. In the same term as SCOTUS is set to decide three important cases that will likely set the tone for decades to come.

So that’s all just great.

Last week, Justices Samuel Alito and Kegs Kavanaugh spent a day palling around with a Catholic activist and German socialite, a Cardinal in the Catholic Church, and Brian Brown, who leads both American and international hate groups.

Gloria von Schönburg-Glauchau is a German socialite and fundamentalist Catholic who has said that Africa has high rates of AIDS because “the blacks like to copulate (‘schnackseln’) a lot.” She’s friends with white nationalist Steve Bannon and has talked to him about letting him use her palace as a place to train right-wing Catholics. (As if this timeline needs another cartoon villain.) Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller is a German Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church who sometimes talks about how secularism is ruining the world. Brian Brown is an American bigot who spends his life fighting against equal rights for LGBTQ people. And the trio spend October 29 hanging out at the US Supreme Court with a couple of justices.

Brian Brown has spend his entire adult life attacking LGBTQ people and women. He is the executive director and president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), formed in in 2007 to oppose marriage equality. NOM has also opposed civil unions, rights for transgender and gender nonconforming people, and fought against married same-sex couples adopting children. Brown also founded the International Organization for the Family (IOF), which supports anti-LGBTQ and anti-woman laws around the world. The IOF is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Brown is also the former president of the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society, an anti-abortion group that is a part of the World Congress of Families, and on the Foundation Board of Trustees of the Spanish anti-abortion organization, CitizenGo. After Obergefell was decided and marriage equality became the law of the land, Brown compared his decrease in donations to Jesus being crucified.

TL;DR This guy is a hateful, bigoted, narcissistic piece of shit.


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