Texas Couple Sets Record as ‘Oldest Married Couple’ in the World


A couple in Austin, Texas, was recently named the “Oldest Married Couple” by Guinness World Records.
John Henderson is 106 years old and his wife, Charlotte, is 105, which is a combined age of 211 years. John said one of the secrets to their long and happy marriage is being kind to one another.

“Live life in moderation and be cordial to your spouse,” he stated.

The couple met while taking classes at the University of Texas (UT) in 1934, when she was studying to become a teacher and he was playing football for the Longhorn team.

John is also the oldest living former UT football player and has attended games with his wife at least once every season for the past 84 years.

The Hendersons were married during the Great Depression on December 15, 1939, and said the hotel room they rented for their honeymoon only cost them $7 at the time. Next month will mark their 80th wedding anniversary.

Both John and Charlotte are in excellent health and spend their days together at Longhorn Village, a senior living community for former UT staff and alumni.

Social media users took to the Guinness World Record website to offer their congratulations to the Henderson’s on reaching such an important milestone.

“John almost looks the same. His early pictures show that little almost hidden forever smile on his face and it seems to always be there,” wrote Sophia Plummer.

“Thats his secret. There’s a smile. He just keeps looking happy and its worked 106 years. Shes beautiful. Congratulations to this wonderful couple. May God always bless them,” she concluded.

“They are the most amazing couple-both still very sharp. Congratulations Henderson’s!!!!!” wrote Kay Hollenbeck.

In October, a couple in Paris, Texas, who was recognized by Gov. Greg Abbott in 2018 as the state’s “Longest Married Couple” celebrated their 82nd anniversary.

One-hundred-year-old Johnnie Leroy Chaffin and his wife, Fannie, 97, said the secret to their long and happy union was simple.

“Love is all I know. Love is one of the greatest things in the world if it’s done right. And that’s the way it is,” Johnnie said.

David Adams

Article URL : https://www.breitbart.com/local/2019/11/09/texas-couple-sets-record-as-oldest-married-couple-in-the-world/